During a rare 'Transit of Venus' event, visionary composer Gustav Holst’s mystical young minds eye embarks on a surreal, abstract cosmic odyssey, exploring the profound interconnectedness between humanity, nature, symbolism and the universe all aboard our magical Spaceship Earth. 

The “Transit of Venus” is the closest encounter of “Spaceship Earth” with another planet..

Gustav Holst was born in 1874 a year of great scientific importance, when twin planet Venus (The Bringer Of Peace) passes directly between mother Earth (Gaia) and the Sun (helios). The “Transit of Venus” astrological experience is a very rare occurrence usually only happening every 100 years, helping early Astronomers explore the Mysterious workings of our Interconnected universe and interstellar beyond. 1874 is also the year of the first space moving image capture “Passage De Venus” (IMDB), now considered by film historians as beginning invention of the motion picture arts.

Gustav Holst. a Practical Realist, Visionary, science geek, vegetarian, Cotswold hiker, Eastern Religion and music connoisseur, was very interested & inspired by the mystical and cosmic art Of Alan Leo, UK Father of astrology, and the series of astrological how to cast a horoscope books for beginners.


Transit of Venus – Storyboard.pptx



“At this moment the planetary and stellar forces are producing a certain note, as it were, a note of a certain define pitch, intensity and quality; and this planetary note is impressed upon the child, as the sound of an orchestra may in an instant be transmitted by the stylus of a phonograph to the sensitive wax receiver, with every single note and every shade and quality of tone intact. In just the same way as the sound vibrations are focused on the point of the stylus, and are thence transferred to the wax, so the planetary vibrations are focused upon this point on the eastern horizon, and it is this which is termed the horoscope."

- Alan Leo’s, Astrological Manuals

By Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original photograph from http://astroamerica.com/leo.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2470147